Tuesday, September 15, 2009

October Pick

Hi again!

Can you believe our next party will be in October? Summer really does fly by!

Our next read promises to be another great one - The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Here's a brief description of the novel:

Vida Winter, the most famous novelist in England and quite possibly the world, has never been forthcoming when it comes to her past. Her entire life is a secret, and for fifty years reporters and biographers have attempted to discover the truth.

With her health quickly fading, Ms. Winter enlists a bookish amateur biographer named Margaret Lea to bear witness to the tragic story of the Angelfield family, their eccentric beginnings as well as their demise.

Margaret, who has family secrets of her own, must unravel the mysteries of the past in order to reconcile not only Miss Winter with her ghosts, but also Margaret with her own.

Happy Reading! SarahR

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