Monday, November 30, 2009

A Little Holiday Reading

Hey Princesses!
Well, November's book - Little Bee - was fantastic. Thanks Clara for hosting such a lovely evening.

As discussed, we won't be meeting in December because of busy holiday schedules. Hopefully we all have a great time during Christmas and Hanukkah and get a chance to re-charge and spend time with family.

Our next party will be taking place on Sunday, January 10 at Sarah D's place. Sarah's pick is called Lullabies for Little Criminals, by Heather O'Neill. Here's the blurb:

This strikingly original portrait of a year in the life of a young Montrealer opens with dash and optimism. Baby, almost twelve, and her father, Jules, twenty-six, have taken up residence at a once-stylish downtown hotel.
Like all their friends, Jules exudes style: fur hat, long leather jacket, slippery leather boots. He also has a heroin habit. Yet Montreal’s decrepit downtown is viewed through Baby’s eyes as an enchanted place where everyone plays an endless game of dress-up. Going out for “chocolate milk” means dad needs to score.
But the strong love and good memories between them keep her hopeful.
Baby moves in and out of foster homes and even into a detention centre where every kid she meets is a character. Although nothing shakes her love for Jules, there’s only one career option for an attractive, neglected girl, no matter how bright and imaginative. But O’Neill allows us to see beyond the squalor into the heart of a girl who won’t be destroyed.

Sounds great! Happy reading and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November's Read

Hi ladies!
So, the discussion on the 13th Tale was great... it seems like we all enjoyed it very much! I think reading something a bit spooky was great to get us in the Halloween spirit :)

And now - on to November!

For November's book, Clara has picked Little Bee, by Chris Cleave. I'm not going to put a description of the book up because it might ruin the plot. So happy reading!
